I love the word exuberant --and this quilt is just that!
Exuberant Spring |
I used the leftover fabric from the quilt I made for my daughter last year, I love these bright colors.
The quilt started out as a disappearing nine patch, but I discovered (the hard way) that the small corner pieces weren't the right color. Back to the drawing board - thank goodness for The Electric Quilt program! Ended up with patches that worked as long as each vertical row was offset 1/2 block.
I also had to change the location of the small blocks depending on the direction the colored area was going -- for example, if the colored area went to the right, then the small block was on the right side of the block. Confused? I sure was, but after some trial and error, the top looks great!
I tried to work in the yellow fabric, but it was just too "yellow". Yellow can be a tough color. So I took out the yellow blocks and replaced them with orange.
I'm debating whether to leave it like this, and have it lap quilt or wall hanging size, or put a border or some more rows to make it bigger.
What do you think?