
Friday, April 26, 2013

5th Quilt in Series Completed!

The Star Block Quilt is finished, the 5th quilt!  This completes the series of five quilts that I made for my uncle's mountain cabin -- I hope he enjoys them!

This one was a lot of fun to make, I love the colors and pattern. The border was a pretty blue and green print that I'd been saving, and it worked perfectly. The colored areas were quilted about 1/4 inch from the seam in a simple straight line. I tried to use different colors to bring out the star design, sometimes I see the secondary pattern of squares, sometimes the stars.  What do you see?

Quilting feathers is such fun on the frame with my mid-arm - they just flow off the machine!  I put a feather border over the 2 outside borders, a feather "fill" in the large off-white blocks, and different designs in the smaller off-white blocks.  Too keep it from getting too busy, every other small block is a circle or wreath pattern.  The alternate blocks are some type of square based pattern.

The five quilts are the Forest Quilt, Scrappy Strip Quilt. Log Cabin Quilt. Purple Star Quilt, and this one, the Star Block Quilt.

Now to give my studio and machine a good cleaning, and on to the next quilt!



  1. Oh I absolutely love this one! Beautiful. All your quilts are very nice, but this one really resonates with me. Great job.

  2. Hi...still waiting to hear about your experience with stretching your juki and quilting with it.

    Love the quilt....very tranquil.


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